Unexpected temperature spike raises concerns among climate experts

Climate scientists are grappling with a sudden, unpredicted surge in global temperatures, which may signal a shift in the Earth’s climate system.

Jonathan Watts reports for The Guardian.

In short:

  • A recent 13-month temperature spike has outpaced global heating predictions, leaving scientists uncertain.
  • Experts are concerned this could indicate a fundamental change in the climate system, not just a temporary anomaly.
  • Scientists are particularly alarmed by the potential loss of Earth's albedo, reducing the planet's ability to reflect heat.

Key quote:

“As climate change continues, every decade it gets warmer, the impact is larger and the consequences are greater.”

— Gavin Schmidt, director of NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies

Why this matters:

Unexpected shifts in climate patterns suggest we may be underestimating the speed and severity of global warming. The inability to predict such changes could hinder effective policy responses to future climate crises.

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