Valerisa Joe-Gaddy

Navajo Nation water
Author Valerisa Gaddy and a student collecting water samples on Navajo Nation. Photo Credit: Joshua Gaddy

Opinion: Water injustice on display in the Southwest US

A Supreme Court ruling against the Navajo Nation is the latest blow to the tribe in a long-standing fight for water.

“A man from the West will fight over three things: water, women and gold, usually in that order.”

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environmental justice

LISTEN: Elijah Hutchinson on New York City’s push for climate justice

"Environmental justice itself is for the first time in the title of the climate office."

CNX Shapiro fracking

A Pennsylvania fracking company with more than 2,000 environmental violations selected for federal environmental justice funding

CNX Resources is slated to receive Justice40 dollars for self-monitoring. Health and justice advocates are outraged.

Cancer Alley Louisiana

Op-ed: “I’m sorry, I can’t hear you” — disabling environments in Cancer Alley and the Ohio River Valley

For communities plagued by energy extraction and petrochemical buildout, struggles of environmental justice often fall on deaf ears.

environmental justice

LISTEN: Brandon Rothrock on the environment and queer identities

"It's important to make queer and LGBTQ+ people central to research and policies and not add them in as an afterthought."

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