Mokshda Kaul

clean energy transition
Credit: Unsplash+

Op-ed: Labor and environmental groups can both win in the clean energy transition. Here’s how.

Groups are choosing to repair broken lines of communication and visualize the transition for its true potential to mitigate climate change – the common enemy.

I have always tried to avoid conflict. This stems from belonging to Kashmir, the northernmost region of the Indian subcontinent.

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clean energy transition
Crédito: Unsplash+

Así es como los sindicatos y los grupos ecologistas pueden salir ganando en la transición energética

Siempre he huido del conflicto. Esto se debe a mi pertenencia a Cachemira, la región más al norte del subcontinente indio.

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From our Newsroom
environmental defenders

‘Living under this constant threat’: Environmental defenders face a mounting mental health crisis

Environmental activists are struggling with paranoia, panic attacks, and depression. Now, a growing network of mental health shelters in South America hopes to fill a void in care.

fracking opposition

Opposing fracking cost one Colombian activist her mental health. She’s fighting to win it back.

"At some point, they will kill you and kill all of us," environmental leader Yuvelis Natalia Morales Blanco was told.

Houston area has more than 100 unauthorized air pollution events already this year

Houston area has more than 100 unauthorized air pollution events already this year

An EHN analysis finds nearly half were related to flaring.

environmental justice

LISTEN: Mokshda Kaul on making the clean energy transition work for all

“Coalitions become this interesting way to create buy-in.”

climate week NYC

Op-ed: Is plastic the biggest climate threat?

A plastics treaty for the climate and health must address overproduction of plastics and head off the petrochemical and plastic industry’s planned expansion.

fracking pennsylvania cancer

Residents say Pennsylvania has failed communities after state studies linked fracking to child cancer

Last year Pennsylvania Department of Health studies showed increased risk of childhood cancer, asthma and low birth weights for people living near fracking. Advocates say not enough has been done since.

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