Hannah Seo

plastic chemical recycling
Credit: Unsplash+
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What is chemical recycling?

While industry claims it could be part of a circular plastics economy, experts say that chemical recycling is extremely damaging to the environment and provides no real benefits.

When you think about plastic recycling, you probably picture plastic being converted into shiny new bottles, boxes and bags.
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Gulf of Mexico oil and gas drilling
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Unplugged: Abandoned oil and gas wells leave the ocean floor spewing methane

Out on the deck of a research boat, Tara Yacovitch looked out to the water. In the middle of the Gulf of Mexico, the seascape is peppered with lights. And every light is part of an offshore oil or gas platform.

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Shell oil rig
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Major oil and gas companies join program to cut methane emissions

Dozens of the top oil and gas companies in the world—including Shell, BP and Total—agreed this week to better track and reduce their methane emissions.

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El cambio climático seguirá ampliando las brechas en la seguridad alimentaria, según un nuevo estudio

El cambio climático seguirá ampliando las brechas en la seguridad alimentaria, según un nuevo estudio

Con tormentas al Este e incendios forestales al Oeste, la crisis climática está actualmente en el foco de la conciencia pública. Pero además de estas catástrofes, existe otra amenaza perniciosa que viene con el calentamiento del clima: la disminución del rendimiento de los cultivos a nivel mundial.

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Food security climate change
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Climate change will continue to widen gaps in food security, new study finds

With storms to the east and wildfires to the west, the climate crisis is currently at the forefront of public consciousness.

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From our Newsroom
silhouette of people holding hands by a lake at sunset

An open letter from EPA staff to the American public

“We cannot stand by and allow this to happen. We need to hold this administration accountable.”

wildfire retardants being sprayed by plane

New evidence links heavy metal pollution with wildfire retardants

“The chemical black box” that blankets wildfire-impacted areas is increasingly under scrutiny.

People  sitting in an outdoors table working on a big sign.

Op-ed: Why funding for the environmental justice movement must be anti-racist

We must prioritize minority-serving institutions, BIPOC-led organizations and researchers to lead environmental justice efforts.

joe biden

Biden finalizes long-awaited hydrogen tax credits ahead of Trump presidency

Responses to the new rules have been mixed, and environmental advocates worry that Trump could undermine them.

Op-ed: Toxic prisons teach us that environmental justice needs abolition

Op-ed: Toxic prisons teach us that environmental justice needs abolition

Prisons, jails and detention centers are placed in locations where environmental hazards such as toxic landfills, floods and extreme heat are the norm.

Agents of Change in Environmental Justice logo

LISTEN: Reflections on the first five years of the Agents of Change program

The leadership team talks about what they’ve learned — and what lies ahead.

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