Derrick Z. Jackson

puffin climate change
Credit: Derrick Z. Jackson

Care for endangered seabirds continues amid a 51-year legacy of optimism

“There is this idea of healing the Earth ... perhaps there’s something about this project that captured that."

Steve Kress’s smile lit up the dusk as research assistants at least 50 years younger than him regaled him with tales of their vigilance to save tern chicks on Stratton Island, Maine.

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extreme heat

Op-ed: Ripe for disaster declarations — heat, wildfire smoke and death data

Extreme heat and wildfire smoke should of course be defined as major disasters by the Federal Emergency Management Agency. According to the National Weather Service, heat kills more people in this nation than hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, and lightning combined.
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solar power clean energy
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Op-ed: In the race for clean energy, the US is both a leader and a laggard — here’s how

Announcing recently that the world broke a record by generating 30% of all electricity from renewable sources in 2023, the British think tank Ember said the data proves we are in a “new era” of energy in which a permanent decline in fossil fuels is “inevitable.”

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republican climate change denial
Speaker of the House Mike Johnson. (Credit: Gage Skidmore)
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Opinion: House Speaker Mike Johnson’s climate change playbook — deny the science, take the funding

It took no time for Mike Johnson to establish a hefty carbon footprint as new Speaker of the House.

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birds climate change
Down to a pair of puffins in the entire state in 1902, there are now more than 1,300 pairs across several islands in the Gulf of Maine. (Credit: Derrick Z. Jackson)
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In the Gulf of Maine, scientists race to save seabirds threatened by climate change

Project Puffin is celebrating its 50th anniversary of launching the world’s first successful restoration of a seabird to islands where humans killed them off.
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national parks climate change
Yosemite National Park sunrise. (Credit: Derrick Z. Jackson)
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National Parks' grandeur degraded by global warming

My window into global warming ruining a rite of summer came 16 years ago.

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wildfire smoke air pollution
Credit: Ahmer Kalam/Unsplash
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Will toxic haze and the 2023 danger season make a difference?

The year is only half done and the United States has already been enveloped by acrid orange skies in the East, battered by winter rains and floods in California, seared by record winter temperatures in the South, soaked by a record 26-inch April deluge in Fort Lauderdale, and broiled by record spring heat in the Pacific Northwest, Texas, and Puerto Rico.

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From our Newsroom
Resident speaks at an event about the Midwest hydrogen hub organized by Just Transition NWI.

What a Trump administration means for the federal hydrogen energy push

Legal and industry experts say there are uncertainties about the future of hydrogen hubs, a cornerstone of the Biden administration’s clean energy push.

unions climate justice

Op-ed: The common ground between labor and climate justice is the key to a livable future

The tale of “jobs versus the environment” does not capture the full story.

Union workers from SEIU holding climate protest signs at a rally in Washington DC

El terreno común entre los derechos laborales y la justicia climática es la clave de un futuro habitable

La narrativa de “empleos vs. proteger el medio ambiente” no cuenta la historia completa.

unions and labor movement

LISTEN: Pradnya Garud on the role of unions in climate justice

“They’ve been able to combine forces and really come forward to bring social and environmental change.”

People advocating against the US hydrogen hub build out

Hydrogen hubs test new federal environmental justice rules

A massive push for hydrogen energy is one of the first test cases of new federal environmental justice initiatives. Communities and advocates so far give the feds a failing grade.

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