Andrew Blok

Competing visions for a famed river in a Midwest hotspot—Part 2

Competing visions for a famed river in a Midwest hotspot—Part 2

This 2-part series explores two projects on Michigan's Grand River and how a fast-growing region is struggling to define a relationship with the river it was built around.

GRAND RAPIDS, Michigan—After dropping through downtown, the Grand River flattens out. There, the state is considering a dredging project to open the river to larger boats and travel between Grand Rapids and Grand Haven, a city at the river's mouth where it empties into Lake Michigan.

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Competing visions for a famed river in a Midwest hotspot—Part 1

Competing visions for a famed river in a Midwest hotspot—Part 1

GRAND RAPIDS, Michigan—A bike ride along the Grand River downtown is a breeze—heading downstream it's all downhill.

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Ancient North Carolina trees that hold climate clues are under threat
Trees along the Black River. (Credit: The Ancient Bald Cypress Consortium)
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Ancient North Carolina trees that hold climate clues are under threat

Trees that tower over a protected forest along the Black River in southeastern North Carolina have held environmental secrets for more than 2,000 years, but their knowledge and existence is now threatened by climate change-driven sea level rise.

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New evidence links heavy metal pollution with wildfire retardants

“The chemical black box” that blankets wildfire-impacted areas is increasingly under scrutiny.

People  sitting in an outdoors table working on a big sign.

Op-ed: Why funding for the environmental justice movement must be anti-racist

We must prioritize minority-serving institutions, BIPOC-led organizations and researchers to lead environmental justice efforts.

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Biden finalizes long-awaited hydrogen tax credits ahead of Trump presidency

Responses to the new rules have been mixed, and environmental advocates worry that Trump could undermine them.

Op-ed: Toxic prisons teach us that environmental justice needs abolition

Op-ed: Toxic prisons teach us that environmental justice needs abolition

Prisons, jails and detention centers are placed in locations where environmental hazards such as toxic landfills, floods and extreme heat are the norm.

Agents of Change in Environmental Justice logo

LISTEN: Reflections on the first five years of the Agents of Change program

The leadership team talks about what they’ve learned — and what lies ahead.

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