zero deforestation commitments
Glenn Scherer: Facing a possible climate apocalypse - how should we live?
As a torrent of demoralizing disasters and doomsday climate studies pour forth, how do we resist despair, where can we find hope - and most important of all - how should we live?
New initiative aims to jump-start stalled drive toward zero deforestation
Over the past decade there has been a rise in corporate zero-deforestation commitments, but very few companies have shown progress in meeting their goals of reducing deforestation in their supply chains by 2020.
Chinese banks risk supporting soy-related deforestation, report finds
China imports more than 60 percent of the world's soy, meaning that the country could play a major role in halting deforestation and slowing climate change if companies and banks focus on stopping deforestation to grow the crop.
Colombia pledges to produce deforestation-free chocolate
The government of Colombia along with the National Cocoa Federation and one of the country's largest chocolate producers has committed to ending deforestation in its cocoa supply chain by 2020.
New report spotlights financiers of palm oil giant clearing Liberia's forests
An Indonesian-owned plantation company operating in Liberia has come under renewed scrutiny for allegedly clearing hundreds of hectares of protected forestland, including chimpanzee habitat, wetlands and river buffer zones.
Revealed: Paper giant’s ex-staff say it used their names for secret company in Borneo
The findings place Asia Pulp & Paper squarely in the middle of an emerging debate about the presence of "shadow companies" among the holdings of the conglomerates that dominate Indonesia's plantation sector.