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Donald Trump
Former US President Joe Biden speaks at a podium with a blue background and British and UN flags alongside him.
A view of a hurricane as seen from space, with the arm of satellite equipment.
The U.S. capitol building in Washington, DC on a sunny day.
california condors climate yurok science

Nearly extinct, California condors return thanks to Yurok, scientists

Once pushed to the brink of extinction, condors are soaring in Northern California skies again with the help of an Indigenous tribe and a team of scientists.
‘Megadrought’ persists in western U.S., as another extremely dry year develops

‘Megadrought’ persists in western U.S., as another extremely dry year develops

The long-running dry stretch rivals anything in the last 1200 years, a sign of climate-change induced "aridification."
An Indigenous practice may be key to preventing wildfires

An Indigenous practice may be key to preventing wildfires

For thousands of years, North American tribes carefully burned forests to manage the land. The future may lie in a return to that past.

Rafting the Klamath River ahead of the biggest dam removal in history

Rafting the Klamath River ahead of the biggest dam removal in history

The Klamath is both an important source of irrigation water and critical spawning ground for steelhead, lamprey and five species of Pacific salmon.