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Black and white image of smoke emitting from smokestacks and trees and water in foreground.
US EPA building sign.
Construction worker standing on metal beams.
Image of the NOAA weather alerts app on a tablet screen.
european tourists climate

European tourists head north to dodge heat, summer extended as weather changes

Tourists and tour operators are expected to head to northern Europe in the future after a summer of crippling heatwaves hit southern Europe and left travelers wondering if cooler temperatures might suit them better.
amazon brazil climate emissions politics

Brazil to set tougher climate change target, sources say

President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva plans to commit Brazil to a more ambitious climate change goal this year, addressing criticisms of the previous target set by his far-right predecessor Jair Bolsonaro.

climate heat 1.5C warming

'More likely than not' world will soon see 1.5C of warming

For the first time ever, global temperatures are now more likely than not to breach 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.7 degrees Fahrenheit) of warming within the next five years, the World Meteorological Organization has said.

camp for internally displace people

Number of internally displaced people hits record due to war, climate change

The number of internally displaced people reached a record 71.1 million worldwide last year due to conflicts such as the war in Ukraine and climate calamities like the monsoon floods in Pakistan, according to new data.

un carbon credit scheme
Photo by Lingchor on Unsplash

Rainforest nations seek easier access to UN carbon credit scheme

Countries that are home to rainforest and peatland vital to limiting climate change want easier access to sovereign carbon credits, a financial scheme to reward them for preserving their ecosystems, Congo Republic's environment minister says.

heat weather climate impacts el nino

World could face record temperatures in 2023 as El Nino returns

The world could breach a new average temperature record in 2023 or 2024, fuelled by climate change and the anticipated return of the El Nino weather phenomenon, climate scientists say.
coal train climate activism australia
Photo by Dodi Achmad on Unsplash

Australia climate change activists 'halt' coal train, 50 charged

Fifty climate change activists were charged with unlawful protest near Australia's biggest coal export port on Sunday after protesters climbed on a coal train.