world weather attribution

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Climate change influenced East African drought
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Climate change made East African drought more likely, study finds

Droughts like the one that has ravaged Ethiopia, Kenya and Somalia are now 100 times as likely as in the preindustrial era, a new study has found.
argentina drought climate

Scientists: High temperatures due to climate change worsen impact of Argentina’s drought

Extreme temperatures sparked by global warming have exacerbated the impact of a historic drought on Argentina’s agricultural production, according to young scientists from several countries who participate in the academic initiative, World Weather Attribution.

climate attribution science

Climate enforcers need hard evidence. Friederike Otto has it

World Weather Attribution ties disasters and extreme conditions to climate change—providing crucial leverage for legal and policy battles.
Study: Climate change contributed to West African floods

Study: Climate change contributed to West African floods

Amid the ‘loss and damage’ debate at global climate talks, the study adds to evidence that less-developed countries suffer from warming that industrialized nations largely cause.
Climate change made summer hotter and drier worldwide, study finds

Climate change made summer hotter and drier worldwide, study finds

Europe, China and North America were parched by extreme heat that would have been ‘virtually impossible’ without the effects of global warming, scientists said.
Climate change linked to Pakistan's floods, study finds

Climate change linked to Pakistan's floods, study finds

A growing field called attribution science is helping researchers rapidly assess the links between global warming and weather disasters.
Climate change worsened Britain's heat wave, scientists find

Climate change worsened Britain's heat wave, scientists find

Scorchers like the one last week are still unusual, but global warming is making them more likely, and worse when they do strike.