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Donald Trump
Former US President Joe Biden speaks at a podium with a blue background and British and UN flags alongside him.
A view of a hurricane as seen from space, with the arm of satellite equipment.
The U.S. capitol building in Washington, DC on a sunny day.
chemicals in icebergs and glaciers
Photo by Jeremy Bishop on Unsplash

The chemical menace inside glaciers and icebergs

Ice can trap pollutants and accelerate their breakdown, with troubling environmental consequences.
climate desertification archaeology

Climate change is burying archaeological sites under tons of sand

Desertification can wear down ancient ruins or hide them under dunes—leaving researchers scrambling to keep track of where they’re buried.
dirty old cars electric vehicles

This is where dirty old cars go to die

The electric vehicle revolution is gathering speed—but what happens to all those polluting cars already on the road?
Humans have broken a fundamental law of the ocean

Humans have broken a fundamental law of the ocean

The size of undersea creatures seemed to follow a strange but stable pattern—until industrial fishing came along.
methane emissions climate
Photo by John Bakator on Unsplash

Cutting methane is the best way to avoid disaster

Although climate change discussions focus mostly on carbon dioxide – the most important greenhouse gas by far – one of the big takeaways from the IPCC report is that to have any hope of staying below 1.5°C of heating we urgently need to cut methane emissions.

robotic farmworkers

Brexit and Covid left farms bereft of workers. Enter Dick the robot

Meet Dick, a friendly farmhand who uses a five-pronged wand to electrocute weeds to death.