wildlife conservation

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European farming lobbies agree to shift toward less meat consumption
Insurers leave Maui wildfire survivors in unsafe homes, families say
Seafood testing project aims to safeguard Indigenous food traditions
Texas debates over new oil and gas waste rule heat up
brown bear

A year to remember…for wildlife

In 2023 wild animals stretched boundaries, set records, and inspired conservation across the world.
african rangers using silent ebikes

Park rangers are using silent ebikes to catch poachers

A Swedish electric bike is helping Mozambique’s park rangers protect game and reducing the need for fossil fuel infrastructure in Africa’s remotest areas.
John Goodrich: Want to save the planet? Focus on wild cats
Photo by Bibake Uppal on Unsplash

John Goodrich: Want to save the planet? Focus on wild cats

Cats aren't just cool. They're also crucial for biodiversity.
Is China ready to lead on protecting nature? At the upcoming UN biodiversity conference, it will preside and set the tone.

Is China ready to lead on protecting nature? At the upcoming UN biodiversity conference, it will preside and set the tone.

China has rich natural resources and is seeking to play a leadership role in global conservation, but its economic goals often take priority over protecting lands and wildlife.
Lesser prairie chickens gain protection under U.S. Endangered Species Act

Lesser prairie chickens gain protection under U.S. Endangered Species Act

The new listing aims to prevent further loss of habitat for the flamboyant, stocky birds, which have drastically dwindled in population.
habitat loss climate bangladesh fish

Habitat loss, climate change threaten Bangladesh's native freshwater fishes with extinction

There were at one time more than 300 native freshwater fish species in Bangladesh, but many have disappeared while others are on the verge of extinction due to habitat loss, overfishing, pollution and climate change.

Concrete river

Concrete river

Today, the L.A. River is at a pivot point. Development, pollution, and poor management are significant threats to the river’s health. Earlier this year the environmental group American Rivers ranked the L.A. River as the 9th most endangered river in the country.