
Top Tweets
trump plans to dismantle climate funding
Australia weighs delay on 2035 climate goals amid US election uncertainty
Biden's climate law may boost oil production through enhanced recovery
European farming lobbies agree to shift toward less meat consumption
Insurers leave Maui wildfire survivors in unsafe homes, families say

Insurers leave Maui wildfire survivors in unsafe homes, families say

Maui residents whose homes survived last year's wildfires are grappling with toxic contamination and insufficient insurance coverage to restore their homes, leaving many unable to return.

Brianna Sacks reports for The Washington Post.

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Wildfire smoke is now linked to worsening eczema symptoms

Wildfire smoke is now linked to worsening eczema symptoms

Researchers have found that exposure to wildfire smoke can worsen eczema, adding to growing evidence of how air pollution harms skin health.

Hannah Chinn reports for NPR.

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Jasper school officials push for better climate emergency planning
Credit: ojkumena/Pixabay

Jasper school officials push for better climate emergency planning

As students in Jasper prepare to return after devastating wildfires, experts stress that schools nationwide need better climate crisis response plans.

Jessica Wong reports for CBC.

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Indigenous fire practices show potential for wildfire resilience in California

Indigenous fire practices show potential for wildfire resilience in California

A Miwok fire practitioner sees signs of renewal in wildfire-scorched California landscapes, advocating for wider use of Indigenous cultural burns to manage land and reduce wildfire risks.

Sarah Hopkins reports for Inside Climate News.

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Canada’s 2023 wildfires released more carbon than nearly all countries

Canada’s 2023 wildfires released more carbon than nearly all countries

Wildfires that burned through Canada’s boreal forests in 2023 emitted more carbon dioxide than most countries, raising concerns about the future of global carbon storage.

Manuela Andreoni reports for The New York Times.

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Wildfires devastate Brazil’s Pantanal, threatening rare species

Wildfires devastate Brazil’s Pantanal, threatening rare species

Brazil’s Pantanal wetlands are being ravaged by record wildfires, endangering countless animals, including vulnerable species like jaguars and giant anteaters.

Ana Ionova reports for The New York Times.

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Climate risks may trigger the next housing crisis

Climate risks may trigger the next housing crisis

Climate change is making U.S. homes riskier investments, as rising insurance costs signal a looming housing bubble that could devastate the economy.

Zoë Schlanger reports for The Atlantic.

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