water extraction

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Poland Spring's Maine water extraction
(Community Water Justice/Facebook)

Amid climate concerns, bill would curb Poland Spring's long-term water extraction deals

“We just have to hit pause, because once these contracts are signed, they [can be] 40 years,” Rep. Maggie O’Neil said. “That’s a whole generation.” 
Poland Spring's Maine water extraction
(Community Water Justice/Facebook)

Amid climate concerns, bill would curb Poland Spring's long-term water extraction deals

“We just have to hit pause, because once these contracts are signed, they [can be] 40 years,” Rep. Maggie O’Neil said. “That’s a whole generation.” 
black rock playa environmental threats

What are the real impacts on Burning Man’s playa?

Viral attention on Black Rock City’s annual festival highlight environmental consequences.
water rights conficts in Maine
Mike Mozart/Flickr

Bill seeks to let Poland Spring dodge taxes on bottled Maine water

In the latest chapter in the conflict over water rights in Maine, a bill has been introduced to prohibit the taxation of bottled water.

bottled-water company tapped an ancient aquifer

The sinkhole that swallowed a Mexican farm

A bottled-water company tapped an ancient aquifer that thousands of people and businesses share. Then came the protests.
Where mermaids play, a nasty water fight

Where mermaids play, a nasty water fight

Nestlé wants to draw more spring water from a northern Florida site owned by a local family — but environmentalists are pushing back.
U.S. House Democrats launch probe into Nestle water bottling

U.S. House Democrats launch probe into Nestle water bottling

Information on water extraction, sales, testing and plastic use sought by Congressional subcommittee.