Politics www.axios.com Booming oil and lower emissions: The decade that blew up energy predictions Projections failed to predict the profound changes in the energy industry.
Politics www.axios.com What makes the 2020 election historic for climate change. Today, all Democratic candidates are treating it as a crisis, with detailed plans and funding sources to address it, while President Trump ignores the problem and bashes those plans.
Resilienceupload.wikimedia.org The rising seas climate change has already locked in. The challenge isn't just how to slow climate change, but how to adapt to a warmer world.
Politics www.axios.com U.S. Chamber of Commerce splits with Trump on emissions standards Maintaining regulations gives the biggest players a competitive advantage.
Politics www.axios.com Democrats spur rising worries about climate change The angst isn't exactly shared across political lines.
Opinion www.axios.com Amy Harder: Why climate change is so hard to tackle – Our stubborn energy system Our dependence on fossil fuels has remained about the same for 30 years.
Newsletter www.axios.com The new social movement calling for action on climate change Young people, worried about an increasingly unstable world, are leading.