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gulf coast’s lng boom
Company’s attempt to improve African communities with cookstoves fails to meet promises
Jasper school officials push for better climate emergency planning
Harris revises stance on fracking, raising energy policy concerns
zombie viruses disease climate
Image by Florence D. from Pixabay

'Zombie viruses': Ancient diseases climate change will bring back

Worsening climate change has seen permafrost slowly begin to roll back, the thawing ice now giving way to everything it had kept hidden.

infectious disease climate impacts

Francesco Branda: Is climate change causing a resurgence in infectious diseases?

The clock is ticking to restore our relationship with nature to one that is mutually beneficial, not detrimental to our existence.

sagarmatha microbes climate

Sagarmatha microbes may survive harsh conditions for decades

Researchers have found microbes on Mount Everest that can survive harsh winds and conditions at some of the world’s highest elevations. The research comes at a time when scientists say melting glaciers and permafrost could reawaken viruses and bacteria as the climate warms.

climate impacts health effects

Climate change is increasing the risk of infectious diseases worldwide

Heat waves, floods, droughts, and rising temperatures fueled by climate change have made the world more vulnerable to disease outbreaks and the spread of a wide variety of pathogens — from bacteria and viruses to fungi and protozoa.

Why deforestation matters—and what we can do to stop it

Why deforestation matters—and what we can do to stop it

Large scale destruction of trees—deforestation—affects ecosystems, climate, and even increases risk for zoonotic diseases spreading to humans.

Deforestation brings bat-borne virus home to roost

Deforestation brings bat-borne virus home to roost

Habitat loss and food shortages have pushed bats into closer proximity to horses and humans, fueling Hendra virus spillover, a new study suggests.
climate health glaciers viral spillovers

Novel study connects melting glaciers with viral spillover

High volumes of glacial runoff are associated with greater opportunities for viruses to jump from one species to another, an analysis of genetic material from the Arctic shows.