ventura county

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trump plans to dismantle climate funding
Australia weighs delay on 2035 climate goals amid US election uncertainty
Biden's climate law may boost oil production through enhanced recovery
European farming lobbies agree to shift toward less meat consumption
Is the Ojai Pixie dust?

Is the Ojai Pixie dust?

An ideal climate made California's Ojai Valley a citrus-growing icon. But that climate is changing, and farmers are worried about the future of agriculture in the valley.

California is greenlighting oil wells linked to groundwater pollution

California is greenlighting oil wells linked to groundwater pollution

The impact of underground injection wells on aquifers is not well understood, but the state continues to allow their proliferation.
Oil and gas industry fights new regulations in Ventura County

Oil and gas industry fights new regulations in Ventura County

The county’s efforts to enact environmental safety measures are being met with fierce resistance.
California climate change: Fires, floods and a fight over free parking

California climate change: Fires, floods and a fight over free parking

Life in Southern California is being transformed as the climate grows hotter, fueling more intense wildfires, deadly mudslides and extreme drought.