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wind turbines lined up in a green field
Palm trees bending in the wind
Coal power plant with emissions rising from towers
Liquid Natural Gas tanker
editorial meat climate vegans

Editorial: Cooking animals is cooking the planet

Different diets will shift the industry slowly, but may not transform food production systems quickly enough. That will need governments to act – and to treat eating meat like burning coal.

Why the CEO of Impossible Foods thinks he can eliminate all animal-based meat in 15 years

Why the CEO of Impossible Foods thinks he can eliminate all animal-based meat in 15 years

Bacon made of fungus, 3-D printed steaks and 'meat' made of air — the future for this new food category is promising but turbulent

Plant-based proteins slash pricing during the pandemic, even as grocery prices surge

Plant-based proteins slash pricing during the pandemic, even as grocery prices surge

Plant-based proteins surge in grocery sales during the pandemic, with their prices falling rapidly as companies grow.
On the green fence

On the green fence

Germany's meat industry kills over 750 million animals per year, with dire consequences for the environment. Meat eaters Neil King and Gabriel Borrud face uncomfortable truths as they seek ways out of the meat paradox.
Is the vegan movement ready to reckon with racism?

Is the vegan movement ready to reckon with racism?

Black vegans and animal rights activists are calling on their white counterparts to embrace intersectionality and create long-term, structural change.
coronavirus meat vegan vegetarian climate

Lowered meat production leads to decline in pollution, waste and greenhouse gases

The coronavirus has sent the U.S. reeling into an economic recession, resulting in consumer-facing industries combating unique challenges - especially meat production. What effect will lowered meat production have on our overall environment?

Jack Black tells stars to kick meat for the sake of the planet

Jack Black tells stars to kick meat for the sake of the planet

Jack Black just released a video of himself, where he announces that he has jettisoned meat for the sake of the planet. It's part of what he calls his "eco resolution" to, in his words: "limit catastrophic climate change and support my mental health."