vaccination and immunization

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wind turbines lined up in a green field
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Coal power plant with emissions rising from towers
Liquid Natural Gas tanker
Cholera outbreaks surge worldwide, following floods, droughts and wars

Cholera outbreaks surge worldwide, following floods, droughts and wars

A record number of outbreaks has drained the cholera vaccine supply, leading the W.H.O. to ration emergency vaccinations.
David Wallace-Wells opinion state of the planet Bill Gates

David Wallace-Wells: ‘We’re in a worse place than I expected’ - Bill Gates

The philanthropist on how the pandemic and the effects of the war in Ukraine are setting back progress.
NY: The 3 most important climate laws you've never heard of

NY: The 3 most important climate laws you've never heard of

The New York Legislature passed some bills that are obscure but significant, in the view of climate activists.

Krugman: Climate Denial, Covid Denial and the Right’s Descent

Krugman: Climate Denial, Covid Denial and the Right’s Descent

Covid denial has turned out to be even worse than climate denial. We've gone from cynical catering to corporate interests to aggressive, performative anti-rationality.

climate politics vaccines covid

Global vaccine crisis sends ominous signal for fighting climate change

The gap between rich and poor countries on vaccinations highlights the failure of richer nations to see it in their self-interest to urgently help poorer ones fight a shared crisis.
How the human life span doubled in 100 years

How the human life span doubled in 100 years

Between 1920 and 2020, the average human life span doubled. How did we do it? Science mattered — but so did activism.
Greta Thunberg says she'll skip U.N. summit in Glasgow

Greta Thunberg says she'll skip U.N. summit in Glasgow

The teenage activist, citing concerns about global vaccine inequality, said she would not attend the meeting “unless everyone can take part on the same terms.”