urban development

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Black and white image of smoke emitting from smokestacks and trees and water in foreground.
US EPA building sign.
Construction worker standing on metal beams.
Image of the NOAA weather alerts app on a tablet screen.
Inside the plan to save some of the biggest freshwater fish

Inside the plan to save some of the biggest freshwater fish

A five-foot-long Mekong giant catfish was among the critically endangered fishes to be released into the Tonle Sap, Southeast Asia’s largest lake.

creeks climate solutions urban renewal

Creeks, once overlooked, are now seen as assets for urban renewal

Developers have recently realized the value of even the most minor waterways for commerce, but experts advise caution because of flooding risks.
Mumbai puts environmental memories on the map

Mumbai puts environmental memories on the map

Pollution and rampant construction have destroyed much of the Indian city's natural coastal protection. Could recording stories from locals help create alternative visions of urban development?
extreme heat climate change

US cities could face nearly 30 times more exposure to extreme heat by 2100, study finds

Many US cities could see locally-defined extreme heat exposure increase by 13-30 times as compared to the start of this century by 2100, according to new findings published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
When it rains, Texas forgets drought and worsening water scarcity

When it rains, Texas forgets drought and worsening water scarcity

In Texas, dry years reveal a momentous confrontation as residents encounter the menacing consequence of runaway growth.

Cities around the world want to be resilient and sustainable. But what does this mean?

The global urban population is expected to rise rapidly in the coming decades. This growth is forcing mayors and citizens to look more closely at and plan for issues such as the impact of climate change.
HotSpots H2O: Locals, citing water concerns, resist Mexico City airport plan

HotSpots H2O: Locals, citing water concerns, resist Mexico City airport plan

Mexico City’s indigenous residents are pushing back against the revised plan for expanding the megacity’s airport infrastructure.