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Black and white image of smoke emitting from smokestacks and trees and water in foreground.
blue and black butterfly on pink and yellow flower.
A graphic image of a city being reclaimed by the sea because of rising sea levels and global warming.
Solar panels on brown ground with trees in background on a sunny day.
Nearby rural land may significantly reduce urban temperatures

Nearby rural land may significantly reduce urban temperatures

A recent study finds that rural areas around cities can lower urban temperatures by nearly 33 degrees Fahrenheit, suggesting a new approach to combating urban heat.

Erin Blakemore reports for The Washington Post.

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urban park

Cities embrace nature by removing concrete for greener spaces

In a global movement, cities are replacing stretches of concrete with natural landscapes to foster environmental resilience.

Chris Baraniuk for BBC.

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wild mammals climate urban
big stock photo

Urban animals can’t take the heat, study finds

A warming climate could make cities even less hospitable to wild mammals, according to new research.
iraq drought water climate
Photo by Haryad Ali on Unsplash

How climate change causes culture clashes in Iraq's cities

Drought is forcing thousands of rural Iraqis migrate to cities for work, bringing with them their own cultural ideas. This has caused community conflicts, sometimes even violence, in big cities like Baghdad and Basra.
mark gongloff climate pittsburgh
Photo by Jaime Casap on Unsplash

Mark Gongloff: How climate change threatens us, even here in Pittsburgh

We can’t let the size of the challenge keep overwhelming our capacity to solve it.

urban farming food security
Image by wiselywoven from Pixabay

In quest for food security, cities test limits of urban agriculture

In Paris and elsewhere, cities are exploring the economic and environmental benefits of building-based agriculture and racing to protect farmland at the urban edge. 
ischia urban development climate natural disasters
Photo by Samuel C. on Unsplash

Faced with climate change, island of Ischia battles illegal urban development

The island of Ischia is particularly vulnerable to natural disasters, and the problem of uncontrolled urban development is making the damage worse.