university of british columbia

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trump plans to dismantle climate funding
Australia weighs delay on 2035 climate goals amid US election uncertainty
Biden's climate law may boost oil production through enhanced recovery
European farming lobbies agree to shift toward less meat consumption
lytton vancouver canada energy climate

After deadly fires and disastrous floods, Vancouver moves to sue big oil

Vancouver’s City Council took preliminary steps in July toward suing major oil companies, seeking damages for the local costs of climate change.

The billions of victims of the heat dome

The billions of victims of the heat dome

The June heat wave caused billions of deaths.
A third of Arabian Gulf marine life could be extinct by 2090, researchers warn

A third of Arabian Gulf marine life could be extinct by 2090, researchers warn

Conservation expert at the World Government Summit says humankind is 'doomed' if urgent action is not taken to protect oceans
Global warming is pushing alpine animals to mountain peaks — and extinction, B.C. study warns

Global warming is pushing alpine animals to mountain peaks — and extinction, B.C. study warns

Plants and animals are shifting upslope by 100 metres for every one-degree increase in temperature.