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Photo by Lenstravelier on Unsplash

Experts call for global moratorium on efforts to geoengineer climate

Techniques such as solar radiation management may have unintended consequences, scientists say.

wildfire smoke from Australia affected climate events
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How wildfire smoke from Australia affected climate events around the world

New research implicates emissions from the 2019-2020 Australian fires in the emergence of a three-year super La Niña that fueled droughts in Africa and hurricanes in the Atlantic.

Phantom forests: Failed planting projects hinder climate goals

Phantom forests: Failed planting projects hinder climate goals

High-profile initiatives to plant millions of trees are being touted by governments around the world as major contributions to fighting climate change. But scientists say many of these projects are ill-conceived and poorly managed and often fail to grow any forests at all.
This company is crushing rocks and fighting climate change

This company is crushing rocks and fighting climate change

The Future Forest Company is using crushed basalt to sequester carbon in forests (and help the forests grow faster).
Rishi Sugla: We need societal change if we're going to thrive on Earth

Rishi Sugla: We need societal change if we're going to thrive on Earth

"Solutions" to environmental problems that assume linear cause and effect and ignore the complexity of interwoven systems are not enough.

In Paris, cafe terraces are an environmental battleground

In Paris, cafe terraces are an environmental battleground

Heat lamps over outdoor tables have become an integral part of Parisian street life. But they are meeting resistance in the face of climate change.
Waterfront greening speeding up gentrification in East Boston

Waterfront greening speeding up gentrification in East Boston

New green building standards are giving rise to a phenomenon researchers call "environmental gentrification" — an "elite, white waterfront for the young and wealthy" that's pricing out other residents.