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Wind turbine blades could soon be recyclable
Chevron agrees to a $550 million settlement with California city
Trump and Vance make misleading claims about Harris's energy policies in swing states
The Army Corps and NYC criticized for ignoring local voices in climate resilience efforts
US installs record solar capacity as prices keep falling

US installs record solar capacity as prices keep falling

It's often cheaper to build and run solar than to buy gas for an existing plant.
hawaii beach showers toxics sunscreen clean water act

Are Hawaii’s beach showers in violation of the Clean Water Act?

Beach showers are likely a “point source” of sunscreen contamination and a threat to coral reefs.

fake meat sustainability climate

How sustainable are fake meats?

Newfangled meat alternatives can fill a large part of our demand for meat—and if they’re as green as they claim, which is not easy to verify independently—they might offer carnivores a way to reduce the environmental impact of their dining choices without giving up their favorite recipes.

heat waves pollution toxics

Heat waves + air pollution can be a deadly combination

Yet another heat wave is threatening human health and increasing the chance of wildfires. On top of these warm days and nights, air quality data has been showing unhealthy levels of pollution. Sound familiar? This scenario is increasingly the new normal in many parts of the world.

climate impacts toxics industry

Waste from thousands of old industrial sites may be released by floods

As sea levels rise, coastal areas face a growing risk of flooding. But humans and environments near urban centers and the ocean may face issues beyond rising water. These areas have also been home to a large number of manufacturing facilities.

Solar and wind keep getting cheaper as the field becomes smarter

Solar and wind keep getting cheaper as the field becomes smarter

Every time solar and wind output doubles, the cost gets cheaper and cheaper.
green hydrogen as sustainable transportation

Forget passenger cars, here’s where hydrogen make sense in transport

Hydrogen is attractive to trucking and ports, but only if it's clean.