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Black and white image of smoke emitting from smokestacks and trees and water in foreground.
blue and black butterfly on pink and yellow flower.
A graphic image of a city being reclaimed by the sea because of rising sea levels and global warming.
Solar panels on brown ground with trees in background on a sunny day.
climate impacts apocalypse

Apocalypse when? Global warming’s endless scroll

From “Don’t Look Up” to Greta Thunberg videos to doomsaying memes, we are awash in warnings that we are almost out of time. But the climate crisis is outpacing our emotional capacity to describe it.
Amanda Hess: Apocalypse when? Global warming's endless scroll

Amanda Hess: Apocalypse when? Global warming's endless scroll

From “Don’t Look Up” to Greta Thunberg videos to doomsaying memes, we are awash in warnings that we are almost out of time. But the climate crisis is outpacing our emotional capacity to describe it.