
Top Tweets
Gloved hands holding a globe of the earth with a small plant growing from the top.
Space shuttle view of the the Earth through a portal.
Oil drilling pump jacks silhouetted against the sunset.
E.P.A. closes environmental justice offices.
Squabbling Arizona, California hold key to Colorado River's future

Squabbling Arizona, California hold key to Colorado River's future

For Star subscribers: Arizona and California are at it again. This time, Arizona leaders are blaming California, and other states, for putting the burden of stemming the river's impending crisis on their backs alone.
will humble energy climate

Will Humble: It’s time to take responsibility for climate change, pass Build Back Better now

The last big U.S. policy opportunity to address climate change was over a decade ago, and we can’t avoid its worst impacts if we wait that long again.

Interior secretary was involved in Arizona whistleblower case, document shows

Interior secretary was involved in Arizona whistleblower case, document shows

The Justice Department acknowledged in court records that Interior Secretary David Bernhardt was involved in a decision that overturned a finding that the 28,000-home Benson project needed a thorough environmental review.

Kristin Gunckel climate opinion

Kristin Gunckel: Climate change is part of every problem we face

The only way the policymakers will make and change policy to address this planet-wide crisis is if we demand it. And the only effective way to demand it is by making our voices heard at the ballot box.

tucson arizona food farming climate

University of Arizona researchers unveil new model for desert farming in warming world

An experimental garden about 35 miles north of Tucson is part of a wider effort to radically reshape desert food production to meet the growing challenges posed by climate change.

Fish and Wildlife Service sticks to pro-development stance on 28,000-home project

Fish and Wildlife Service sticks to pro-development stance on 28,000-home project

Reinstatement of a Phoenix developer's permit to build a 28,000-home project in Benson is likely now that federal agencies have stood by an earlier decision limiting its environmental reviews

Barley shortage tied to climate change could have you crying in your craft beer

Barley shortage tied to climate change could have you crying in your craft beer

Climate change could double your beer tab, according to a recent global study, and craft breweries fear they’ll be hurt the most.