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Black and white image of smoke emitting from smokestacks and trees and water in foreground.
blue and black butterfly on pink and yellow flower.
A graphic image of a city being reclaimed by the sea because of rising sea levels and global warming.
Solar panels on brown ground with trees in background on a sunny day.
uk green economy politics
Photo by Biel Morro on Unsplash

UK green economy has failed to grow since 2014, according to official data

The UK’s low-carbon and renewable energy economy has failed to grow since 2014, according to official data showing a fall in the number of green jobs.

green energy investment investment
Photo by Precondo CA on Unsplash

660,000 jobs at risk as UK’s green investment lags

Up to 660,000 jobs will be at serious risk if the UK continues to fall behind other countries in the amount it invests in green infrastructure and jobs, according to an alarming study published recently.