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A graphic image of a city being reclaimed by the sea because of rising sea levels and global warming.
Solar panels on brown ground with trees in background on a sunny day.
Pollution coming from a smokestack with hazy yellow and blue skies in background.
A piece of paper with the word Lawsuit at the top.
What blue states are doing on the environment while Trump is in office

What blue states are doing on the environment while Trump is in office

They're writing rules even as the administration relaxes them.
What blue states are doing on the environment while Trump is in office

What blue states are doing on the environment while Trump is in office

They're writing rules even as the administration relaxes them.
Scott Pruitt offers up another gift to polluters. You know, the people he's supposed to monitor

Scott Pruitt offers up another gift to polluters. You know, the people he's supposed to monitor

Pruitt's latest proposed rule would limit the sorts of scientific studies the EPA is allowed to use to craft regulations.