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trump plans to dismantle climate funding
Australia weighs delay on 2035 climate goals amid US election uncertainty
Biden's climate law may boost oil production through enhanced recovery
European farming lobbies agree to shift toward less meat consumption
china seafood market
Photo by Chi Hung Wong on Unsplash

Fukushima: China accused of hypocrisy over its own release of wastewater from nuclear plants

Plant in China releases water with higher amounts of tritium, scientist says, calling into question seafood ban imposed on Japan.

Lawrence Livermore’s National Ignition Facility

What to know about DOE’s fusion milestone

Experiments at a U.S. government lab may have provided "proof that the physics work." But future fusion reactors might turn to a different technology for replicating the energy that powers the sun.
Nuclear fusion is already facing a fuel crisis
Sandia Labs/Flickr

Nuclear fusion is already facing a fuel crisis

It doesn’t even work yet, but nuclear fusion has encountered a shortage of tritium, the key fuel source for the most prominent experimental reactors.
Japan to start releasing radioactive water from Fukushima in 2 years

Japan to start releasing radioactive water from Fukushima in 2 years

The government says the plan is the best way to dispose of water used to prevent the ruined nuclear plant’s damaged reactor cores from melting.