trans mountain
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The Trans Mountain pipeline project, explained
New roadblocks, ballooning costs, legal actions and its impact on endangered species — we explain the timeline and lingering mysteries behind this contentious Canadian pipeline project.
Oil sands pipeline wins bid to hide insurers from activists
Trans Mountain Pipeline LP’s effort to keep its insurers’ names confidential was accepted by regulators in a setback for environmental groups fighting to prevent development of the Canadian oil sands.
B.C. fails to demand detailed oil spill plans from Trans Mountain
In advance of granting new environmental certificates for the pipeline’s expansion project, the province has an opportunity to demand more detailed information on oil spill response preparedness from Trans Mountain. But critics say that’s not happening
With Keystone XL back on the shelf, oilpatch pressure mounts on Trudeau and Trans Mountain
With U.S. President Joe Biden cancelling the permit for the Keystone XL pipeline, attention turns to the Trans Mountain expansion project — from those for and against.
UN committee rebukes Canada over Trans Mountain, Coastal GasLink
One of the world's leading human rights bodies calls for work to stop on Coastal GasLink pipeline, Trans Mountain pipeline and Site C dam, saying Canada is failing to comply with international law.
Trans Mountain report on Coldwater aquifer heading to regulatory hearing
A Trans Mountain report about the risks the expanded pipeline might pose to the drinking water supply in a B.C. First Nation will be heading to a Canada Energy Regulator hearing.
Suncor CEO encouraged by Trans Mountain pipeline, less sure of Keystone XL's completion
Some experts have said there is less than a 50 per cent chance the project is actually completed, especially considering the U.S. presidential election later this year.