tracy stone manning

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Biden’s Bureau of Land Management pick advanced by Senate committee

Biden’s Bureau of Land Management pick advanced by Senate committee

Republicans say Tracy Stone-Manning’s past affiliation with eco-saboteurs makes her unqualified to run the Bureau of Land Management.
Extremist or bridge-builder? A brawl over Biden’s pick to oversee public lands.

Extremist or bridge-builder? A brawl over Biden’s pick to oversee public lands.

As a graduate student in the 1980s, Tracy Stone-Manning was linked to a tree-spiking effort by environmentalists. Republicans say that makes her unfit to lead the Bureau of Land Management.
As a student, Tracy Stone-Manning sent a letter on behalf of eco-saboteurs. It’s complicating her chance to lead Bureau of Land Management

As a student, Tracy Stone-Manning sent a letter on behalf of eco-saboteurs. It’s complicating her chance to lead Bureau of Land Management

Republicans have called her an environmental extremist while the Biden administration has stood by her nomination.
BLM moving ahead on most oil and gas leases, sale now set for March

BLM moving ahead on most oil and gas leases, sale now set for March

Despite an overwhelmingly negative response earlier this year, the Bureau of Land Management is moving forward with most of its planned oil and gas lease sales in Beaverhead and Madison Counties.