toxic wastewater

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Editorial: Fracking earthquakes are a devil’s bargain Texas doesn’t need
Photo by Brad Weaver on Unsplash

Editorial: Fracking earthquakes are a devil’s bargain Texas doesn’t need

Temblors in Texas have risen sharply over the past decade, and research has linked the increased seismic activity to fracking.

How did a lawyer who took on Big Oil and won end up under house arrest?

How did a lawyer who took on Big Oil and won end up under house arrest?

Steven Donziger was celebrated by Nobel laureates and international lawyers. Is he a fraud artist?
EPA settlements are supposed to hold polluters accountable. Will coronavirus get them off the hook?

EPA settlements are supposed to hold polluters accountable. Will coronavirus get them off the hook?

Hundreds of cities and polluting industries agreed to clean up their act after being sued by the government. Now, many are asking for leniency.