tick-borne disease
Photo by Scott Bauer
Climate change to boost Lyme disease cases in northeast and midwest U.S. by over 35%, study finds
A recent study published in the journal EcoHealthfound that as climate change progresses, Lyme disease cases are set to increase dramatically in the northeastern and upper midwestern U.S.
Photo by manjur alom on Unsplash
Dogs are key to stopping spread of deadly tick epidemic in U.S., Mexico
Rocky Mountain spotted fever is on the rise in parts of Mexico and the United States. Climate change and dogs could be crucial to the fight against the tick-borne scourge.
Why areca nut plantations are driving 'monkey fever'
A tick-borne infection often spread in areca nut plantations in India is among several on the rise around the world. Can we get better at tackling these outbreaks?
Atlas of Medical Foreign Bo/Flickr
Babesiosis, a tick-borne disease, is on the rise in the northeast, C.D.C. reports
Babesiosis, which can cause flulike symptoms, could be spreading because of rising temperatures and the growing deer population.
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Fairfax County/Flickr
Climate change is forcing wildlife to move north — and they're bringing diseases with them
More interaction between humans and wildlife like ticks mean rise in risk of spreading disease.
Maine’s bold climate action plan will require money, commitment
The plan would cost billions of dollars to execute, but state leaders say the cost of doing nothing would be even greater.
Ticks continue creeping southward in NC
The pandemic may have slowed reporting of tick-borne diseases, but the insects are more prevalent than ever and heading south, some carrying new diseases.