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Harris could prioritize stricter climate policies if elected
A 1960s effort to ban gas-powered cars offers lessons for today
ontario canada lyme disease climate
Photo by Erik Karits on Unsplash

Ontario tracks spread of tick-borne illnesses; top doctor links it to climate change

Ontario’s top doctor expects to see a growing number of cases of three types of tick-borne illness in the province, in addition to Lyme disease — a spread he says is directly linked to climate change.

tick health climate
Photo by Erik Karits on Unsplash

What’s that prick? A hardy tick. Guess who’s resilient to climate change

Ticks and the diseases they carry are spreading, but in one phase of their life cycle these little buggers are vulnerable to the vagaries of climate.

Stephen Buranyi climate ticks
Photo by Erik Karits on Unsplash

Stephen Buranyi: Take it from a Canadian, ticks aren’t nice – and climate change means they’re thriving in the UK

England and Scotland are experiencing a tick-borne virus outbreak. We don’t know the causes, but we know rising temperatures will mean more of them.

Babesiosis tick-borne disease

Babesiosis, a tick-borne disease, is on the rise in the northeast, C.D.C. reports

Babesiosis, which can cause flulike symptoms, could be spreading because of rising temperatures and the growing deer population.
maine water contamination research pfas

At least $45M in new funding would help UMaine System fund PFAS and tick research

Millions of dollars could be headed to Maine to accelerate research into the state’s burgeoning forever chemical contamination problem and growing tick population.
tick biodiversity climate impacts

New tick diseases are sickening people

New tick diseases are emerging across the US and around the world — fueled by climate change — but doctors say they're difficult to diagnose.

The tick that causes a meat allergy is on the move

The tick that causes a meat allergy is on the move

The lone star tick can trigger an allergic reaction to red meat in those bitten. Now this arachnid’s territory is expanding.