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plastic PVC pipes
A large white sign reading "unite behind the science" hangs from a balcony.
Black smoke rises and spreads from a chemical disaster site in a city.
Smoke coming out from industrial towers at dusk.
aviation greenhouse gas emissions
Dean Morley/Flickr

The no-jet set: they’ve given up flying to save the planet

With airplanes producing a large amount of climate-warming emissions, a growing number of travelers are signing pledges to keep their journeys on the ground.
climate impacts apocalypse

Apocalypse when? Global warming’s endless scroll

From “Don’t Look Up” to Greta Thunberg videos to doomsaying memes, we are awash in warnings that we are almost out of time. But the climate crisis is outpacing our emotional capacity to describe it.
Amanda Hess: Apocalypse when? Global warming's endless scroll

Amanda Hess: Apocalypse when? Global warming's endless scroll

From “Don’t Look Up” to Greta Thunberg videos to doomsaying memes, we are awash in warnings that we are almost out of time. But the climate crisis is outpacing our emotional capacity to describe it.
Thomas L. Friedman: Can high-tech capitalism address climate change?
Photo by Diego PH on Unsplash

Thomas L. Friedman: Can high-tech capitalism address climate change?

To slow climate change, Father Profit and New Tech must innovate, fast.
At COP26, hyperbole and inertia

At COP26, hyperbole and inertia

Are the world’s leaders talking a big game on climate because they want to take action, or because they don’t?
COP26 protesters back an array of causes, connected by climate change

COP26 protesters back an array of causes, connected by climate change

Thousands gathered in the rain in Glasgow to press the case for more urgent and meaningful action by world leaders in response to global warming.