thinning ice

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ice sensors safety in a warming climate

Sensors on Yellowknife lakes could be start of larger ice network

Researchers using sensors to better understand ice on lakes near Yellowknife hope to expand their work across more of the NWT. The goal is improving ice safety.
How Inuit avoid falling through thinning Arctic ice

How Inuit avoid falling through thinning Arctic ice

The Arctic is melting, making it dangerous to take snowmobiles on the “ice highways” Inuits use to get around. A new sled-based ice-measuring system helps make travel safer.
arctic ice thinning climate

Arctic explorers find unusually thin ice as a result of climate change

The biggest ever science expedition to the Arctic encountered extremely thin sea ice, which could threaten future efforts to study the region.

Alaska husky racing threatened by receding ice

Alaska husky racing threatened by receding ice

The centuries-old tradition of husky racing is alive and well in Alaska. But for how much longer?