
Top Tweets
Wind turbine blades could soon be recyclable
global plastic pollution treaty
Biden's top climate advisor visits China to push for stronger emission cuts
Trump and Vance make misleading claims about Harris's energy policies in swing states
France seeks to weather an energy crisis as Russia cuts gas supplies

France seeks to weather an energy crisis as Russia cuts gas supplies

The government unveiled its biggest energy conservation measures in decades, part of an effort in Europe to save power as Russia cuts gas supplies.
energy savings climate

Can a government campaign persuade Britain to use less energy?

Government officials deliberating on whether to launch a public campaign to reduce energy usage this winter may want to avert their eyes from the reaction to last week’s heatwave advice.

climate solutions technology
Photo by Dan LeFebvre on Unsplash

How tech can (and can’t) help you fight soaring energy bills

Thermostats like Nest go a long way toward helping you use less energy, but the real problem-solvers are people.