thephiladelphiacitizen org

Top Tweets
Wind turbine blades could soon be recyclable
Chevron agrees to a $550 million settlement with California city
Trump and Vance make misleading claims about Harris's energy policies in swing states
The Army Corps and NYC criticized for ignoring local voices in climate resilience efforts
Helene Langlamet: We must demand responsible cleanup at the PES refinery

Helene Langlamet: We must demand responsible cleanup at the PES refinery

It’s not enough for Hilco to promise it will create an environmentally safe commercial hub on the site of the 2019 South Philly explosion.
Russell Zerbo, Christina D. Rosan: Philly is ready to start fighting climate change again

Russell Zerbo, Christina D. Rosan: Philly is ready to start fighting climate change again

Local clean air advocates look to Joe Biden to renew a much-needed partnership to help the city and the planet fight climate change.
Serenity Soular installs solar panels in areas hardest hit by climate change

Serenity Soular installs solar panels in areas hardest hit by climate change

The North Philly outfit brings solar energy to communities of color who are often the ones most affected by global warming.
Reality check: What climate change debate?

Reality check: What climate change debate?

Black voters - and Democrats - worry about the environment's effect on their lives. All the more reason, Charles Ellison argues, the DNC should not have nixed a climate debate.