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Pope Francis urges leaders to take ‘radical’ climate action at Cop26

Pope Francis urges leaders to take ‘radical’ climate action at Cop26

"We can confront these crises by retreating into isolationism, protectionism and exploitation. Or we can see in them a real chance for change, a genuine moment of conversion, and not simply in a spiritual sense."

climate christianity religion
Photo by Nacho Arteaga on Unsplash

Christian leaders unite to issue stark warning over climate crisis

Global Christian leaders have joined forces to warn that the world is facing a critical moment as the climate crisis threatens the future of the planet.

Climate crisis is 'challenge of civilisation', says Pope

Climate crisis is 'challenge of civilisation', says Pope

Pontiff calls on COP 25 leaders to show political will to safeguard healthy planet
Climate crisis is 'challenge of civilisation', says pope

Climate crisis is 'challenge of civilisation', says pope

The climate emergency is a "challenge of civilisation" requiring sweeping changes to economic systems, but political leaders have not done enough, the pope has said in a message to governments meeting at the annual climate summit in Madrid.

Pope Francis offered $1m charity donation to go vegan for Lent

Pope Francis offered $1m charity donation to go vegan for Lent

Environmental campaigners have issued a challenge to Pope Francis: go vegan for Lent and receive $1m for the charity of his choice.