the hague

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Trump EPA
digital genetic code biopiracy
Harris could prioritize stricter climate policies if elected
A 1960s effort to ban gas-powered cars offers lessons for today
Climate protester glues his head to 'Girl With a Pearl Earring' painting

Climate protester glues his head to 'Girl With a Pearl Earring' painting

The artwork by Johannes Vermeer, exhibited in The Hague, was the latest artwork to be targeted by protesters concerned about climate change. One person glued his head to the painting and another glued his hand to the wall.
shell climate lawsuit co2 emissions

Shell ordered to reduce CO2 emissions in watershed ruling

A Dutch court has ordered Shell to bring its emissions in line with the Paris climate targets. Claimants had argued that Shell had violated human rights by fueling the climate crisis.
Dutch climate activists take Shell to court over emissions

Dutch climate activists take Shell to court over emissions

A group of environmental organizations backed by thousands of Dutch citizens launched a civil case Tuesday against the energy giant Shell, asking a court to order the multinational to commit to reining in its carbon emissions by 45% by the year 2030.

Norfolk will let neighborhoods raise their own taxes to pay for flooding fixes

Norfolk will let neighborhoods raise their own taxes to pay for flooding fixes

Under new rules, residents in an area can form a "special service district" to pay themselves for projects the city can't fund right away.