sustainable food systems

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sustainable food systems
John Englart/Flickr

The food system is awful for the climate. It doesn’t have to be

New modeling estimates that food production could add a degree Celsius to global warming. But it also points to powerful ways to make diets more sustainable.
Food waste greenhouse driver

Canada throws out half the food it produces. What if we ate it instead?

‘It’s easier and cheaper to just throw food away instead of find someone who could use it.’ Part four of a series.
indoor vertical farming

Are indoor vertical farms really ‘future-proofing agriculture’?

Heralded as the next step in food production, this practice is gaining ground in the US. But are they really a greener alternative to traditional farming?
climate sustainable food systems
Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

4 sustainable food systems to save the planet

As the war in Ukraine heightens food insecurity, a new report argues that producing what we eat in a sustainable way will lessen dependence of imports while fighting climate change.
nitrogen-fixing bacteria

You have no idea how much you need nitrogen-fixing bacteria

Nitrogen-fixing bacteria are a crucial, if largely unknown, part of our ecosystem. They're how plants and animals get nitrogen from the air.
B.C.’s Sunshine Coast improvised drought resilience

B.C.’s Sunshine Coast improvises to survive long-term drought

Farmers, gardeners, brewers and regional managers are banding together in a beautiful partnership to both store and distribute water across the extraordinarily parched coastal region, just north of Vancouver.

Get out the vote efforts in farm country are reaching young, Latinx, and rural voters

Get out the vote efforts in farm country are reaching young, Latinx, and rural voters

The pandemic has moved voter outreach online. And in states like Iowa, it’s bringing a renewed focus to a voting block focused on working conditions in ag and sustainable food systems.