sustainable agroforestry

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A woman wearing safety goggles, gloves and a face mask holds the sides of her goggles.
Document with redacted sections blacked out.
Surrounded by people, Donald Trump holds a printed document as he sits at a podium with the presidential seal.
Offshore oil rig.
Cacao not gold: ‘chocolate trees’ offer future to Amazon tribes

Cacao not gold: ‘chocolate trees’ offer future to Amazon tribes

In Brazil's largest indigenous reserve thousands of saplings have been planted as an alternative to profits from illegal gold mining.

Coops, community, and agroforestry: A chat with coffee entrepreneur Dean Cycon

Coops, community, and agroforestry: A chat with coffee entrepreneur Dean Cycon

Dean's Beans Organic Coffee has become a successful marketer of organic beans grown in agroforestry systems across the tropics, and has won several international sustainability awards for its direct, people-centered approach to development.

Huge rubber plantation in Cameroon halts deforestation following rebuke

Huge rubber plantation in Cameroon halts deforestation following rebuke

Halcyon Agri Corp, the world's largest rubber processor, is taking steps toward a more sustainable and transparent natural rubber supply chain following vocal public outcries from environmental NGOs last year.