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A group of people march with science advocating for science.
Oil pump jacks and flares with vegetation in foreground.
Images of a chicken and a pig fade into images of piles of pharmaceutical capsules.
An African man and woman pour water on a trough of charcoal and move it around with a stick.
burned forest trees

Climate change is turning swaths of California’s mountains into ‘zombie forests’

There’s something eerie about this forest in the southern Sierra Nevada. Tangles of bony branches obscure the ground. Dead trees stand gray and bristly. An aura of doom hangs over the green conifers that remain.

india flooding climate
Photo by Atul Pandey on Unsplash

How climate change is ending sporting dreams in India

The effects of India’s catastrophic floods, which have intensified in recent years as a consequence of climate change, go far beyond material loss.

inuit culture climate impacts

A vanishing world

Winter sea ice is melting away from Labrador. For the Inuit way of life, it’s a death knell

Dr. Ann-Christine Duhaime climate brains

Train your brain

We know what we need to do for the climate, so why don’t we just do it? A neurosurgeon explains.
biodiversity mating animals climate survival

Traits for mating can align with traits for surviving heat

Biologists have, for good reason, spent a huge amount of time trying to understand how animals can survive in the climates in which they live. But how does temperature affect animals beyond just survival?

coal energy climate causes
Photo by ETA+ on Unsplash

Will coal’s survival kill efforts to combat climate change?

More coal use could kill the global effort to curb climate change. And that is what is happening now, at least in energy-starved China and India.

climate impacts survival
Photo by Jakub Nawrot on Unsplash

Calif. adapts to wildfire by urging people to flee

As an executive officer with the Marin Wildfire Prevention Authority, Mark Brown is helping to reduce the risk of wildfire and plan for survival if one erupts.