superstorm sandy

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Former US President Joe Biden speaks at a podium with a blue background and British and UN flags alongside him.
A view of a hurricane as seen from space, with the arm of satellite equipment.
The U.S. capitol building in Washington, DC on a sunny day.
stress superstorm sandy children behavior climate

‘Born into a time of chaos’: How being pregnant amid a climate disaster can affect children

A new study suggests that children who were in the womb during Superstorm Sandy are more likely to have behavior disorders.

NYC area coastal vulnerability

Will post-Sandy repairs be enough for the next big storm?

After Superstorm Sandy struck the northeast U.S. in 2012, an unprecedented effort began to fortify the densely populated coastline against the next big storm.

Superstorm Sandy recovery not equal

Superstorm Sandy legacy: Recovery far from equal on NY shore

Even before Superstorm Sandy's floodwaters surged over New York City’s Rockaway Peninsula, there was an air of decay in Edgemere, a far-flung seaside neighborhood long pockmarked with boarded-up homes and vacant lots with waist-high weeds.

Disasters are driving a mental health crisis

Disasters are driving a mental health crisis

From climate-fueled storms to COVID-19, mounting catastrophes are sowing stress and trauma. The country’s one program to help reaches only a fraction of survivors.
Climate change and soaring flood insurance premiums could trigger another mortgage crisis

Climate change and soaring flood insurance premiums could trigger another mortgage crisis

Flood insurance is sold as protection from climate change. As costs rise, it could push people from their homes instead.
Top Story
Boston prepares for rising seas from climate change

Boston prepares for rising seas from climate change

Facing climate change the city must gird itself for an era of rising seas — or be inundated.

New York is flooding its subway stations to better prepare for climate

New York is flooding its subway stations to better prepare for climate

This flooded subway entrance is a test of how ready New York is for the next superstorm.