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plastic PVC pipes
A large white sign reading "unite behind the science" hangs from a balcony.
Black smoke rises and spreads from a chemical disaster site in a city.
Smoke coming out from industrial towers at dusk.
sunscreen do's & don't's

The problem with sunscreen isn’t its ingredients—it’s you

Humans need protecting from the sun more than ever, and yet this gloopy white cream is widely distrusted, misunderstood, and misused.
hawaii beach showers toxics sunscreen clean water act

Are Hawaii’s beach showers in violation of the Clean Water Act?

Beach showers are likely a “point source” of sunscreen contamination and a threat to coral reefs.

How to plan a sustainable diving holiday

How to plan a sustainable diving holiday

As the scuba phrase goes, “take only pictures and leave only bubbles”—a mantra to keep coral reefs healthy.
Lots of people apply sunscreen wrong. Here’s how to do it right.

Lots of people apply sunscreen wrong. Here’s how to do it right.

Whether you’re using a lotion, spray, or stick, we’ve rounded up the best tips and tricks for sunscreen application that’ll keep you covered.
new ultraviolet ray–blocking compounds

Searching for the future of sunscreen

Scientists are sourcing new ultraviolet ray–blocking compounds from algae, seaweed, cyanobacteria, and other marine creatures with the hope of designing a more environmentally friendly sunscreen.
emerging contaminants becoming ubiquitous

Little known about non-natural chemicals increasingly being found in environment

Pesticides, ingredients from sunscreen, an artificial sweetener and the plasticizer bisphenol-A,were among the chemicals found.

Living on Earth: Beyond the Headlines

Living on Earth: Beyond the Headlines

For this week's trip beyond the headlines, Peter Dykstra and Host Bobby Bascomb take a look at findings that sunscreen ingredients can linger in the human body for days. Then the pair looks to China, which now produces 50% more plastic waste than the U.S. Finally, they celebrate the 35-year anniversary of a major Endangered Species Act success: the delisting of the brown pelican.