
Top Tweets
Wind turbine blades could soon be recyclable
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Rising Atlantic sea levels
Credit: Virginia Sea Grant/Flickr

Rising sea levels pose new challenges for southern US coasts

A rapid increase in sea levels across the southern U.S. is compelling coastal communities to adapt to unprecedented environmental changes.

Chris Mooney, Brady Dennis, Kevin Crowe, and John Muyskens report for The Washington Post.

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Mexico city's infrastructure subsidence
Credit: Malcolm K./Flickr

Mexico city's metro system faces sinking crisis due to subsidence

A dire study reveals that Mexico City's metro system is sinking rapidly due to subsidence, posing risks to its infrastructure and passenger safety.

Matt Simon reports for Wired.

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Louisiana's coastal wetlands drowning
Credit: Water Alternatives Photos/Flickr

Louisiana's coastal wetlands face critical threat from rising sea levels

A recent study highlights the perilous state of Louisiana's coastal wetlands, with a majority facing "drowning" due to unprecedented sea level rise, posing significant risks to the region's natural defenses and ecosystem.

Brady Dennis and Chris Mooney report for The Washington Post.

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land subsidence & sea level rise
Credit: Brent Penman/Flickr

The East Coast's slow descent into the ocean intensifies threats from sea level rise

A recent study highlights the increasing peril to coastal communities from land subsidence and sea level rise, exacerbated by groundwater depletion.

Mira Rojanasakul and Marco Hernandez report for The New York Times.

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aquifer depletion & groundwater pumping
Credit: VectorMine/Flickr

The world’s essential aquifers are in deep trouble

New research finds that the groundwater systems that hydrate your life are in rapid, sometimes accelerating decline around the globe. Here’s how to stop the retreat.
Louisiana proposed LNG export hub
Credit: brando/Flickr

Biden administration reportedly pauses approval of ‘carbon mega bomb’ gas export hub

Calcasieu Pass 2, positioned near the rapidly eroding Louisiana shoreline, would be the biggest such export terminal in the US.

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subsidence & rising sea levels
Credit: Chesapeake Bay Program/Skyler Ballard/Flickr

Sinking US cities already face ‘real impacts’ as subsidence poses risk to buildings and roads

‘Hotspots of sinking land intersect directly with population and infrastructure hubs,’ researchers warn.