street trees

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street trees mitigation climate

'We’re being a little more picky': How cities are rethinking their trees

As cities look to plant more trees, they're trying to diversify the mix, in order to make sure they can withstand extreme temperatures and other climate disasters.
street trees climate energy shade

The life-saving benefits of street trees

A US Forest Service study indicates that street trees save lives and provide direct health benefits that far outweigh the costs of planting and maintenance.
global warming biodiversity trees

Global warming could kill many of the tree species that cool cities

Around three-quarters of the tree and shrub species currently grown in cities worldwide are predicted to be at risk from hotter and drier conditions by 2050.

pennsylvania street trees climate

In Pennsylvania cities, street trees can help cool ever-hotter temps. But they present their own problems to solve

Places like Harrisburg are planting more trees to improve the urban canopy. But if roots of trees buckle a sidewalk, for example, a homeowner is on the hook — which leads some to resist.