storm surges

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wind turbines lined up in a green field
Palm trees bending in the wind
Coal power plant with emissions rising from towers
Liquid Natural Gas tanker
Divert or die: Louisiana’s controversial plan to save coastal communities and ecosystems

Divert or die: Louisiana’s controversial plan to save coastal communities and ecosystems

An upcoming project would change the flow of the Mississippi River and its sediment to make up for land the coast is losing due to climate change and sea-level rise.
coastal vulnerabilities erosion worldwide

In graphic detail: no coastline left untouched

Human activities on land and in the ocean are degrading shorelines around the world. No coastal region is entirely free from our influence.
Jonathan Kramer: On the Hudson River, a new model of environmental stewardship

Jonathan Kramer: On the Hudson River, a new model of environmental stewardship

The languishing waterway offers an indispensable lesson for scientists: Environmental problems are human problems.

Chesapeake Bay's resilient marshes

What are the Chesapeake Bay's marshes worth? New study suggests billions

Climate experts have long warned that rising seas could add more destructive power to hurricane-whipped storm surges. But a new study centered on the Chesapeake Bay region suggests that another
How to survive a shipwreck: A sea level rise story

How to survive a shipwreck: A sea level rise story

There are many lessons climate scientists can learn from mātauranga Māori. Lesson one is: don't panic.

Greenland's ice sheet melting seven times faster than in 1990s

Greenland's ice sheet melting seven times faster than in 1990s

Scale and speed of loss much higher than predicted, threatening inundation for hundreds of millions of people.

CDP Report: 85% of cities are already feeling climate change

CDP Report: 85% of cities are already feeling climate change

Flooding and extreme heat are coming to nearly every city (especially their vulnerable populations). But a new report finds that few cities are ready for what’s coming.