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Bogotá faces water rationing
Oil pipelines stretching into the distance
Liquid Natural Gas tanker
Coal miner holding a lump of coal
health infectious disease climate

Why climate change may be driving more infectious diseases

While the impacts of climate change may conjure images of natural disasters, a new study shows that its can also impact humans on a microscopic level.
pollution law courts epa

Bipartisan group pushes Senate to confirm environmental prosecutor to key EPA post

A bipartisan group of former Justice Department officials is urging the Senate to advance the nomination of former federal prosecutor David Uhlmann to lead a major office in the Environmental Protection Agency that fights pollution through the legal system.

Climate change already altering Ozark forest composition, researcher says

Climate change already altering Ozark forest composition, researcher says

University of Missouri-Columbia research associate professor emeritus of forest health and mycology Johann Bruhn says climate change is already affecting Ozark forests.

Want to fight climate denial? Tell a story

Want to fight climate denial? Tell a story

Scientists looking to communicate the truth about climate should explore the power of narrative and images.