social science

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wind turbines lined up in a green field
Palm trees bending in the wind
Coal power plant with emissions rising from towers
Liquid Natural Gas tanker
greta thunberg climate investment opinion

Greta Thunberg: Global leaders are dropping the ball on climate change

We cannot just buy, invest or build our way out of the climate and environmental crisis. Nevertheless, money is still very much at the heart of the problem.

Janet K. Swim, Nathaniel Geiger: Americans support climate change policies, especially those that emphasize incentives

Janet K. Swim, Nathaniel Geiger: Americans support climate change policies, especially those that emphasize incentives

A set of studies found people prefer incentives to disincentives, especially for individuals but also for businesses. They have views on clean energy and efficiency, too.
Water could make Michigan a climate refuge. Are we prepared?

Water could make Michigan a climate refuge. Are we prepared?

What may it take to prepare the Great Lakes region for the future climatologists say we can expect?
Your weather tweets are showing your climate amnesia

Your weather tweets are showing your climate amnesia

A database of 2 billion tweets shows people get so used to weather extremes they might stop noticing them. That's bad for action on climate change.